6048 McKee Road, Madison, WI 53719 board@fitchburgserenityclub.com (608) 271-9817

Zoom Meeting Schedule

Fitchburg Serenity Club Zoom meeting schedule and login info.

UPDATED 1/7/23

Find the meeting you would like to attend, then use the info provided to attend. Some groups ask that you make contact with someone to get virtual meeting info. Email us if you have any additional information you would like to edit or add to this virtual meeting listing: board@fitchburgserenityclub.com

6:30am – “SUNRISE SERENITY” AA – (EVERYDAY):Zoom Link: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/75928210832 Meeting ID: 759 2821 0832
Passcode: 630SS
7:30am – “SUNRISERS” AA – (EVERYDAY):Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8269797361 Zoom Phone: 312-626-6799
Zoom Meeting ID: 826 979 7361
Zoom Password: 54321

12:30pm – MONDAYS – “WOMEN IN RECOVERY” AAZoom Link:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86778435158?pwd=TW8yaU8ydjh5 N1Fzano4UlBia04xZz09https://zoom.us/j/9579333123 Zoom Phone: 312-626-6799
Zoom Meeting ID: 867 7843 5158 Zoom Password: 170544  

“WE AGNOSTICS” AA VIRTUAL MEETINGS LIST:Use the following link or phone information for these “We Agnostics” meetings listed below:ZOOM Link: https://zoom.us/j/8748723887 ZOOM Phone: 312-626-6799
ZOOM Meeting ID: 874 872 887
ZOOM Password: 54321

Discussion Meeting Saturday 9:00am (Fitchburg)
Discussion Meeting Sunday 10:00am (Monona)

Al-Anon Zoom meetings

7:30am – “Serenity R Us” Al-Anon – (EVERYDAY):Contact Mary S to access this Zoom Meeting: schneider@education.wisc.edu or 608-206-0833

7:00pm – Wednesday Women’s Al-Anon Meeting : Meets virtually Wednesday nights only Contact Paula G to access this Zoom Meeting:gatespaula@gmail.com

9:00am – Saturday Women’s Al-Anon Meeting : Meets virtually Saturday mornings only Contact Jane A-G to access this Zoom Meeting: janeag24@gmail.com

FSC Virtual Meeting Listing Revised on November 24, 2021


Monday, Wednesday, Friday Noon – Daily Affirmations Meeting:    Multiple days same timehttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/504357428?pwd=aWpWWUg4ZG82TUlLenhhVWVjWTlqQT09Meeting ID:  504 357 428     Passcode: 12345
Tuesday Noon – Laundry List Traits Workbook Meeting:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/387140675?pwd=WjlOTGJxTHpXZ092QzdXL2g5VmtQQT09Meeting ID:  387 140 675     Passcode: 12345
Tuesday 2:00pm – Tony A’s 12 Step Meeting:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83864252215?pwd=RjFveFN0MmhVbFBzVk1Hdy9tdTFrUT09Meeting ID:  838 6425 2215     Passcode: 12345
Tuesday 7:00pm ACA HYBRID Meeting – Go to Room C for In-Person:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/609539397?pwd=VTRxblMwZng1aVhuR2JwODIzdmMrZz09Meeting ID:  609 539 397     Passcode: 12345
Thursday 10:00am  – Awaking to Wholeness Meeting: Healing Developmental Trauma Bookhttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/89848451280?pwd=M29XT1pKL0JWU21DZW1NalV3L0syUT09Meeting ID:  898 4845 1280  Passcode:  12345
Thursday Noon – Loving Parent Guidebook Meeting:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/381616361?pwd=dTJDL054V1N5bkJicGJ2QXhUenpVdz09Meeting ID:  381 616 361     Passcode:  12345

These Zoom links, Meeting ID’s & Passcodes are effective January 28, 2024.