6048 McKee Road, Madison, WI 53719 board@fitchburgserenityclub.com (608) 271-9817

Summer Newsletter 2023

For about a thousand years I have held the strong opinion that the most useful newsletters are short; so, I will be uncharacteristically brief. 

The overarching objective of this effort is to express my profound gratitude to all of you who have chosen to become members of the Fitchburg Serenity Club. Our club has been a lynchpin in my sobriety since I discovered it in the late fall of 1979. Everything about the clubhouse has changed multiple times since those early days…number and variety of 12 Step meetings, a physical addition that more than doubled the size of the original schoolhouse, the first scary mortgage, grudging compliance with Fitchburg’s smoke free ordinances, and on and on. The inescapable constant throughout all the many difficult / wonderful changes has been the remarkable, sustaining financial support of those in a position to join FSC as members. The clubhouse’s share of the 7th Tradition meeting baskets is simply not enough to keep the doors open and the utilities paid. Each member’s contribution is important…however modest or grand. 


More About  Membership:  

Between June 2022 and July 2023, FSC has gained 66 members to our current 196.

Please consider asking a friend to join our “merry band” as part of the “Each One Reach One” membership drive. 

If you choose (as I do) to make your membership contribution on a monthly basis, PayPal is a terrific option for the Club and our Treasurer. 

Meeting Offerings and Attendance:

Several new in-person and Zoom meetings have started this year. Check out the FSC website (fitchburgserenityclub.com) for details. 

The FSC Board’s best estimate is that we host more than 5000 in-person meeting participants each month. THAT’S A LOT OF RECOVERY! 


FSC’s inaugural FOUNDERS DAY CELEBRATION on Saturday, June 3rd was an unqualified success. Great company. Great food. Great fun. Great meetings. Great bands. 

Please circle Saturday, July 22nd on your calendar. The SUMMER FESTIVAL and POTLUCK PICNIC will be just as much fun. 

Have a wonderful summer! I’ll see you at the Picnic!!

Matt Hayden

Membership Services Coordinator